King Kamehameha III

King Kamehameha III, 12' bronze sculpture by Thomas Jay Warren, NSS. Stands in Thomas Square Park, Hawaii

12′ bronze sculpture of King Kamehameha III, Hawai’i’s longest reigning monarch. The sculpture was installed at Thomas Square Park ahead of La Ho’iho’i Ea, Sovereignty Restoration Day, 2018.

La Ho’iho’i Ea began in 1843 under Kamehameha III after rogue agents of the British Crown seized control of the government by order of British Lord George Paulette. During this time, all Hawaiian flags were lowered and burned. Months later, Queen Victoria sent Admiral Richard Thomas to Hawai’i to remove Paulette and reinstate the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Following the reinstatement of the Kingdom, a flag ceremony was held in Thomas Square where the Union Jack was lowered and the Hawaiian flag raised. This ceremony is where Kamehameha III spoke the popular proclamation, “Ua mau ke ea o ka ‘aina i ka pono,” the Hawaiian state motto, loosely translates as “the sovereignty of Hawai’i is restored by righteousness.”

And though he’s been sculpting for over three decades, Warren is still moved by the opportunity to create memorials featuring persons of cultural significance. Those feelings resonated in the words he spoke of Kauikeaouli.

“He managed to get the Kingdom of Hawai’i back from the British without firing a single shot and that to me is an amazing piece of diplomacy,” Warren said. “I research my subjects and the history, I read about him and we could use more people in public service like he was for his people.”

Description from KITV Island news.

Warren Sculpture

Contact Jay Warren to inquire.

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