The Fourth Station of the Cross
The Fourth Station of the Cross
Cloisters on the Platte
Gretna, Nebraska
7′ Bronze Figures
Warren Sculpture Studios was part of a team of sculptors who created the Stations of the Cross for Joe Ricketts, creator of Cloisters on the Platte in Nebraska. Jay’s contributions to the project were the first and fourth stations.
Shown above are Jay’s clay sculptures and the final bronze figures for the Fourth Station of the Cross. If you can’t make it to Nebraska to see all fourteen Stations of the Cross in person, you can visit the Stations of the Cross virtual tour at the Cloisters website.
For those who are interested in purchasing a reproduction of The Stations of the Cross, please visit the Stations of the Cross website. You can also find more images of Jay’s finished Fourth Station of the Cross in situ at that website.